Everything You Need To Know About The Direct Vision Standard

Long Form SEO B2B Content (~2,500 words)

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VUEgroup specialise in providing vehicle safety technology to blue light and commercial fleets across Europe.

The Direct Vision Standard is a safety scheme that was enforced in London on 26 October 2020 to lower the number of accidents between Heavy Good Vehicles (HGVs) and vulnerable road users by minimising blind spots around HGVs. All HGVs with large blind spots and poor direct vision (inability to see pedestrians next to their cab window) require extra safety technology to be granted a Direct Vision Standard permit, which is needed to operate in London.

VUEgroup provides this safety technology, and in the run up to the 26 October 2020 deadline, wanted to run a campaign around the Direct Vision Standard to generate interest and increase website visitors.


I wrote a search engine optimised (SEO) guide to the Direct Vision Standard for VUEgroup.

I wrote this guide around the keyword ‘Direct Vision Standard’ which had a search volume of 200 at the time (this means that 200 people would search for the term ‘Direct Vision Standard’ every month on Google, and I optimised the guide to rank highly on Google for this term).

I wrote this guide to be as informative as possible so that it would provide value to fleet managers and insurers (VUEgroup’s target audience). In the guide, I explained what the Direct Vision Standard is, why it’s such an important safety scheme, what safety technology is needed to be granted a permit, and how VUE could help.


  • Responsible for 30% of ALL organic (Google) traffic to vuegroup.org in one year

  • Currently ranked on the 1st page of Google for the keyword ‘Direct Vision Standard’

  • Used as the main piece of content in VUEgroup’s Direct Vision Standard campaign - promoted across their social media channels, through their emails, and used in their paid advertising online


A year on, the article is still on the 1st page of Google for the keyword ‘Direct Vision Standard’.


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